RemovedMar 5
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Japan has had a mix of national railways and private railways since the late 19th century, but since the national railways were privatized in 1987, all trains running in Japan are now privately operated.

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RemovedMar 3
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When expressing Japan, trains cannot be avoided. I think it would be fun to explore Japan using railways as a starting point.

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The last one, of the junction, is my favourite of those. I don’t know why, it just is. Very nice shot.

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I also particularly like that one.

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Love how safe and mysterious Japan's streets are after dark, there is however a palpable sense of another world, of nature all its own. Japan is a place that has to be lived, and cannot really be understood unless one has been there. Your pictures Shimizu-san are some of the best windows into Japan that I know of, and capture much more than many anime, manga or movies can.

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If my photos can convey to you a Japan that manga, anime, movies, etc. do not depict, then it would be a pleasure for me.

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