Regardless the photographs are beautiful, I particularly love the last 2. The children look so sweet, excited for the twinkling night out.✨✨✨

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I hope that even after those children grow up, there will still be many fireflies flying around that place.

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Sadly, Southern California is too dry, I believe, to support fireflies. I have, however, visited North Carolina (on the opposite coast) and beheld them there. Magical little bugs.

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You had a wonderful experience. It is said that fireflies can only live in rivers that flow with clean water, and it seems that there are fewer rivers in Japan where you can see fireflies than in the past.

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At my previous home in the country, I had 5 acres and a huge natural pond spring fed and full of 2 foot Koi . Aside from all the animals that came to drink, my 2 favourite seasons were when the Spring Peeper frogs and huge Bull frogs 🐸 would sing most of the night.

Firefly season was next the whole property was alight with them. Sadly I had to sell my beloved home due to illness

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Wow! You lived in a beautiful natural environment. I'm so envious. By the way, are you feeling okay now?

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No, I am still fighting a degenerative disease, but in good spirits, there is so much in life that’s still beautiful. You and I have lead parallel lives s o to speak. I was born in Dec 1963, my father was a fashion photographer in the 60s so I went into the creative business at a young age, was an executive creative director for the largest graphic art and photography studio in Canada for years. Went to Maui in the mid 90’s and worked as a DJ in my off hours. lol

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I'm sorry to hear about your illness. By the way, I was surprised to find that you and I have a lot in common. (^O^)

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