Wonderful! I was quite excited last year when one of his photos was a featured Hobonichi cover and pencil board. I tried to get one but they had sold out. I hope it brought people to his work that would otherwise not know him.

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Wow, are you a Hobonichi reader?

If I remember correctly, about six years ago, Hobonichi published a series of feature articles about Saul Leiter. Oh, come to think of it, I entered my photo in the photo contest held at the same time as his photo exhibition.


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Lovely photo ! Very atmospheric. Yes I have been using the Cousin for about three years. I love it. The texture of the paper. We have nothing like it here where I live.

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I know several people who use fountain pens, and they all love the Hobonichi Techo. And they all say, "The quality of the paper in that notebook is excellent."

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I cannot read the daily quotes in the Hobonichi but that is my goal! 😊

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